Tuesday, March 4, 2025

In Christ vs Abiding in Christ


In Christ vs Abiding in Christ

2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.

John 15:4 Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you, unless you abide in me.

John 15:5 I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in me and I in him, it is he who bears much fruit; for without me you can do nothing.



In Christ

Abiding in Christ

Basic Meaning

Indicates the believer's identity and redemptive relationship with Christ

Emphasizes a continuous and intimate spiritual connection with Christ

Spiritual Definition

Represents being grafted into Christ through faith, becoming a new creation

Highlights maintaining a close, ongoing connection with Christ for spiritual growth

Biblical Basis

- 2 Corinthians 5:17: "If anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come"

- Ephesians 1:3: "Blessed with every spiritual blessing in Christ"

- John 15:4: "Remain in me, as I also remain in you"

- John 15:5: "Apart from me you can do nothing"

Spiritual State

Legal status and identity

Practical experience and lifestyle

Life Characteristics

- Saved

- Justified

- United with Christ

- Obedience

- Dependence

- Pursuing spiritual growth

Practical Application

- Recognizing new identity in Christ

- No longer under sin's control

- Accepting sonship

- Daily drawing near to God

- Prayer and Bible reading

- Submitting to Holy Spirit's guidance

Mutual Relationship

"In Christ" is the foundation, "Abiding in Christ" is the building process

"Abiding in Christ" is the method of living out the "In Christ" identity

Spiritual Fruits

- Salvation

- New life

- Reconciliation with God

- Bearing spiritual fruit

- Spiritual power

- Life renewal

Potential Challenges

May remain at the level of theoretical knowledge

Requires continuous commitment and practice

Impact on Believer's Life

Change of identity

Transformation of lifestyle



Understanding and experiencing both "In Christ" and "Abiding in Christ" is crucial for a believer's spiritual journey. While "In Christ" provides the foundational identity, "Abiding in Christ" ensures continuous spiritual growth, transformation, and intimate relationship with God.


*Please refer to the July 2024 Anaheim Training in California, USA Experience, Enjoy and Manifest Christ (II) Week 19 The One Formed in the Believer

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